Veggie Fried Rice

February 24, 2018 • Recipes, Mains

Veggie Fried Rice

½  cup of uncooked Wild or Brown Rice
1 chicken breast chopped (if vegetarian use tofu chunks)
1 Yellow Pepper 
2 Red Onions
1 Carrot (sliced with a potato peeler)
2 Red Chilies 
3 Garlic Cloves
4 Spring Onions 
Cilantro (small handful)
4 tablespoons Sesame Oil

Fried Rice

Cook rice as directed and set aside. Cook chicken in a wok (or frying pan if you don’t have one) and also set aside.   Add one onion, half a chili, and garlic to a food processor to make a paste. Add oil and the paste to wok and fry for one minute, then add thinly sliced onion, red chilies, yellow peppers and carrot for another 3 minutes.   Now, add the rice for 2 minutes, then the chicken, thinly sliced spring onions and cilantro for another minute.