Whether you’re recovering from surgery or a sports injury, you’ve just given birth or you’re feeling stressed at work, the RMT’s on our Vernon massage therapy team have the specialized technique and training to help restore your muscle function and overall wellbeing.
Our bodies don't have it easy. We slouch at desks or we're on our feet all day. We piggyback our kids. Carry one too many bags of groceries. Paddle, ski, skate, ride and play ball until it's dark. Pull weeds. Shovel snow. Walk the markets. Run into sunset.
On top of that, our bodies contend with illness, with disease, with stress, with everyday life. While we can't always change the course life takes, we can support our bodies so we can enjoy life with greater mobility and well-being.
Our Vernon massage therapy team is trained and adept at assessing conditions and creating a course of treatment to provide relief. The goal is simple: decrease pain and propel healing by improving muscle and join function. Along the way, you're apt to experience improved blood flow and overall health as well as a sense of calm and better sleep.
How We Treat
Massage Therapy Team
Our Registered Massage Therapists(RMTs) are all licensed and insured BC RMTs, and regularly attend continuing education courses to advance their skills and knowledge.
We are well qualified to assess and treat your injuries and chronic symptoms. Our approach involves the tools from both our formal education and additional courses to blend the below therapies in the way that is best for you and your body.
Usually, your therapist will work with you over a series of treatments and the above will be used at different points as your body is ready for them. You are an active part of your massage therapy treatment.
For you to achieve long-lasting results, from chronic conditions, you may need to make some lifestyle and work position changes. We will educate you on postural and movement improvements that will decrease the repetitive strains on your body that can be the root of your symptoms.
Treatments Include
- Assessment of your concerns and/or injuries
- Treatment, which can include movement therapy
- Soft tissue manipulation of skin, fascia, muscles, joint capsules, and blood flow
- Stretching and strengthening
- Education of what is going on in the body and how you can participate in your own healing; homecare exercises; hydrotherapy; and daily life modifications to improve the condition.
Techniques We Use
Conditions We Treat
Musculoskeletal Concerns
- Arthritis (Rheumatoid, Ankylosing Spondylitis & Osteoarthritis)
- Bursitis
- Contusions
- Degenerative Disc Disease/Disc Herniations
- Duputren’s contracture
- Facet pain
- Fascial restrictions (i.e. Plantar Fasciitis)
- Fibromyalgia
- Frozen Shoulder/ Adhesive Capsulitis
- Illiotibial Band Impingment Syndrome
- Impingement syndrome
- Joints with restricted range of motion
- Muscle Cramps & Strains
- Muscle Tension & Spasms
- Patellar Tracking Dysfunction
- Post surgical replacement (i.e. shoulder, hip, knee)
- Posture related issues
- Scoliosis
- Shin Splints
- Spinal Stenosis
- Sports Related Concerns
- Sprains & Ligament Tears
- Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ)
- Tendinitis (ie. Golfer/ Tennis Elbow)
- Tension Headaches
- Torticollis/ Wry Neck
- Trigger finger
- Whiplash and injury from motor vehicle accidents
Nervous System Concerns
- Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's
- Complex pain syndrome/ reflex sympathetic dystrophy
- Nerve Entrapment (Sciatic nerve lesions/ Impingement, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)
- Neuralgias (Metatarsalgia, Intercostals, Trigeminal)
- Spastic Paralysis, Stroke
- Infant massage
- Migraines
- Pregnancy massage (Pre/Postnatal)
- Sleep Issues
- Stress Management/relaxation
Circulatory Concerns
- Inflammation
- Edema & Diabetes
Mental Heath
- Anxiety & Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Respiratory Health
- Asthma, COPD, Emphysema
Skin Heath
- Post-surgery scarring
Meet Our Massage Therapists

Faith Dyke, RMT
Faith Dyke is a new graduate from the Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy. She graduated July 2021 and has been working as a spa practitioner until she completed her board exams this last March. She is interested in working with clients to achieve their best potential and to help them find relief and healing.
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Sonja Rawlings RMT
Sonja brings over 25-years experience to the massage therapy table! She has a multifaceted background that includes Aromatherapy, Pain Science, Osteopathic technique, and Somatics. Her uplifting presence and compassionate heart makes her a wonderful facilitator in your healing journey and health maintenance
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Aree Lertprasopsak, RMT
Aree joins the team with the unique experience of Traditional Thai therapeutic massage and Thai-Swedish massage
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Sherah Dubland, RMT
Sherah Dubland graduated from the Okanagan College of Massage therapy in 2016. She has enjoyed working in a spa and in clinical settings.
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