Our bodies are our vehicles. They take us to our desks, our dinner table, our backyards, to the memories we want to make and the lifestyle we want to live. When the body stops working the way it's supposed to, the road can get rocky. We want directions, a map, a mechanic, a co-pilot.
At Balance Natural Health Clinic, we believe in giving you answers, options, support and tools to find and treat the underlying causes of your symptoms. By harnessing modern science and traditional naturopathic medicine to find out what's really happening with your body and bring it back into balance, we help you move forward on your unique path to pain relief and optimal health.
Whatever health challenges you're struggling with, our naturopathic medicine team offers expertise and compassion as we take care to stimulate the healing power of the body, and guide you toward health and well being for the long road.
How can we help you?
Our Naturopathic Philosophy
Our naturopathic doctors, Dr. Nicole Shortt, ND, and Dr. Krista Ingram, ND, honour the principles of naturopathic medicine.
- First do no harm
- Co-operate with the healing power of nature
- Address the fundamental cause of disease
- Heal the whole person through individualized treatment
- Teach the principles of healthy living and preventative medicine
How We Treat
Who We Help & Conditions We Treat
- Chronic conditions support (Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Fibromyalgia)
- Emotional Health (Anxiety, Depression, Stress Management)
- Endometriosis
- Fatigue
- Fertility and preconception care
- Fibromyalgia
- General Health (Digestion, Allergies, Immune function, Insomnia, Fatigue)
- Healthy Skin (Acne, Eczema, Rosacea, Psoriasis)
- Irregular or heavy periods
- Menopause (Hot flashes/night sweats, Sleep issues, Mood changes, Anxiety, Vaginal Dryness, Brain Fog, Low energy)
- PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
- Perimenopause
- PMS (Pre-menstrual Syndrome)
- Pregnancy care/support
- Smoking Cessation
- Thyroid function , Adrenal Fatigue
- Weight Loss
- Allergies
- Digestive issues (Constipation, stomach pain)
- Eczema
- Immune health
- Sleep Issues
- General Health (Digestion, Immune, Insomnia, Fatigue)
- Irregular or Painful Periods
- Mental Health (Depression, Anxiety, Stress Management)
- Skin Health (Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis)
- Chronic conditions support (Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Fibromyalgia)
- Fertility
- General Health (Digestion, Immune, Energy, Insomnia)
- Mental Health (Depression, Anxiety, Stress Management)
- Smoking Cessation
Meet Our Naturopathic Doctors

Dr. Nicole Shortt, ND
Dr Nicole Shortt, BSc, ND is a Naturopathic Physician who is passionate about naturopathic medicine and the choices it gives people in health care.
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Dr. Ariel Jones. ND
Dr. Ariel Jones, ND has run a rural primary care practice since 2014. Her main interests in medicine are creating personal, collaborative and comprehensive treatment plans with her patients through kind dialogue and informed consent.
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Dr. Rena Saini, ND
Dr. Rena Saini's goal is to empower individuals to become the best versions of themselves, while attaining holistic health and wellness.
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